We are just beginning to write the history of our organization. Squadrons & Shipmates of the FDR/Midway, Inc. was established on July 1, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. These two ships were built as our nation was in the middle of World War II. We only found it fitting to launch our web site on the 70th Anniversary of the start of World War II, September 1, 2009. We saw a need for a unique organization based on two principles.

        1. The longest commissioned aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy had no reunion organization for the entire ship.

        2. Squadrons assigned to these ships and other aircraft carriers had to have their own reunions because all the members of any one squadron could not become members of an aircraft carrier reunion unless they served on that ship. It is our belief this is totally unfair to the squadron members.

               This page will also list all the cities where reunions have been held and the number of attendees. We will also list the names of all the past officers of the corporation. The following is an indication of what is in mind for this page.



   YEAR                     CITY                    ATTENDEES           INCOME FROM VENUES      REUNION EXPENSES 

    2010            Atlanta, Georgia                       52                               $1,018.00                              $3,500.00

    2011            San Diego, California             201                             $  3,099.18                             $17,395.50

    2012            Branson, Missouri                    80                                                         

    2013            Colorado Springs, Colorado   104                   These two columns will only be sent to the members

    2014            Washington D. C.                    110

    2015            Seattle, Washington                 95

    2016            Dayton, Ohio                             ?

    2018.           Tucson, Arizona.                       ?



Past Chairpersons



Past Presidents



Past Vice-Presidents



Past Treasurers             



Past Vice-Treasurers



Past Secretaries



Past Board Members



Past Committee Members            








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