This page will give you an idea of what we have in mind for name tags/badges at all reunions. You will be able to pick whatever first name or nickname you want for your name badge. Your name badge will be e-mailed to you in advance to be sure it is the way you want it made. Once you approve it we will get it ready for printing. You will be able to make one change if necessary as long as it has not been printed. Please, no changes within 60 days of the reunion.

           If you were on both ships, you will only be able to choose one of the ship's logos and squadron members may pick one of the ship's logos or their squadron logo if we have the camera ready format available. The squadron leaders will have to decide which logo they want for their squadron. Some logos have changed over the time the squadron was in existence. It would be nice if you can decide on one logo. We don't want to make this any more complicated than what it needs to be. If there is a very special situation where maybe only a few squadron members are left and they all just have to have their special insignia we will try to accommodate them.

            All the name badges/tags will display more information than usual. It will display your membership number which informs others of approximately how long you have been a member. If the letter "C" is in front of your membership number it will mean you are a "Charter Member" and an "L" at the end will mean you are a "Lifetime Member." These letters will be in "ORANGE."

            The badges/tags will also display your hometown where you now live or you may want to display the town you were from when you were in the service. The choice will be yours but you must state that on your sign-up sheet. If you are a present officer, board member, committee member or hold any of the leadership positions, your title will be displayed in "GREEN." If you are a past officer or held any prior leadership position your past title will be in "RED." If you have more than one past title you can pick which one you want listed on your name tag.  

            There will be three numbers listed after your title, if you have or had a title. The first number will indicate how many years you have been a member. No need for anyone one to ask how long you have been a member. The second number will indicate how many reunions you have attended. No need for anyone to ask if you are a "First Timer." The last number will indicate how many reunions you have attended consecutively. In eleven years we will see how many members will have three "10's" across the bottom of their name badge. If you already paid for a reunion and could not attend because of illness or bereavemment, your consecutive reunions number will remain intact. Now remember if you have three 10's across your name badge and no title or past title in front of it, that will also indicate we need to draft you for a leadership position. It will be best if every member gets his or her titles out of the way first in the early years. So let's take this opportunity to remind all members to volunteer for the many leadership positions that are available. Remember the work load will definitely be easier in the earlier years so do it now.

  FDR-BADGES-2011-PAGE-1.doc     Click on the links at the left to display some of the name badges for our last reunion in San Diego.





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