usaOur purpose is to be an organization that will unite shipmates of two of three great sister ships and all the squadrons that served aboard these two ships. When this organization was formed there was no reunion association for U.S.S. Midway for the entire ship, only a few divisions. These two ships were the first aircraft carriers commissioned after World War II, within 7 weeks of each other, thus, enjoining them for the future. U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first ship ever named after a President of the United States although it was not planned that way in the beginning. She was originally named U.S.S. Coral Sea, the same as many other carriers were named for famous battles.

          The plan for this organization is to give a home to the squadron members who served in squadrons that were assigned to these two ships. Presently, reunion associations of aircraft carriers require their members had served aboard the ship of the association, thus, splitting up squadron members who do not qualify. We believe this thinking is backwards; after all, the aircraft carriers were servicing the squadrons. Squadrons were then forced to have their own reunions but for some, the membership was too small to make it feasible. Sadly, some squadrons do not know what their future will hold. Members of squadrons could always attend the Tailhook Association but that has become very expensive. Presently, the annual dues for the Tailhook Association are $45.00. The registration fee for the annual convention is now $65.00 and for non-members it is $85.00. Lifetime membership in the Tailhook Association is now $795.00. That is over 17 times the annual dues. The location of the annual convention is always the same, Reno, Nevada and the time is always the same, the Wednesday after Labor Day. How many different squadrons do you need to enjoy yourself? We have 124 presently known qualifying squadrons, do you need more?

          We plan to offer a different reunion location each year and will not return to the same location unless the membership votes to return. We will also encourage spouses, family members and friends to attend. We encourage direct descendants, as well as widows or widowers, of qualified members to become auxiliary members. If you have been searching The Internet for associations of these two ships to join based on your military service or based on your parents service to our country, you need not look any further. If you or your parents were ever associated with these two ships or with squadrons that were ever assigned to these two ships, we invite you to explore this web site further and would welcome your membership in Squadrons & Shipmates of the FDR/Midway, Inc.

          Presently, most reunions are only thinking of the present and not looking into the future. As mentioned before, this is going to be a unique organization and one with a vision far into the future. The best way to explain our vision is to suppose we were all descendants of civil war veterans. Can you imagine the camaraderie there would be even though we were not veterans? This may also encourage children and grandchildren to join the Navy or Marines so they, too, will have something to look forward to.

          Descendants of deceased qualified personnel will have one vote per generation. That would normally be the eldest living son or daughter but family members may agree on another family member who may not be the eldest. In all fairness each member only has one vote and this should not change in the case where the member is represented by another family member. It is our hope to preserve the voting membership to carry the organization into the future.

          So our purpose is different from most reunion associations and we hope you will join our organization if you are eligible.


          This organization will change the usual ways aircraft carrier associations or reunion associations are organized. We will provide another option and thus, give squadron members and shipmates a choice of organizations to join. It has been the norm that aircraft carrier reunion groups require all members to have served on the ship. This left many of the squadron personnel to form their own reunions because all members did not serve on the same ship. Our commitment is to rectify that problem and to give all squadron members a place where they can attend. Many squadrons are doing quite well with their membership association and will probably not join at this time. Members can belong to both associations. That is one of our commitments, you will always be welcome here.

          Our most important commitment will be that policies will be determined using the democratic model of "Robert's Rules of Order" whereby the entire membership will make decisions that affect the organization. The president will be able to exercise certain powers as we cannot have more than one captain of the ship. He or she will be operating within certain guidelines that have long been established by associations. However, by following the guidelines provided in Robert's Rules of Order, we will be able to fulfill our vision of a democratic organization where everyone has a voice.

          Another commitment is that all regular members, regardless of their length of membership, will be eligible to run for office. Other associations have required members to belong to the organization for a certain amount of time before they are eligible to become an officer. This creates an inequality in the rights of the membership and violates Robert's Rules of Order. We anticipate there will be a number of talented members who would provide very capable and fair leadership for the association. Therefore, we do not want to impede the election of any member because he or she does not qualify as a candidate based on length of membership in the organization. All members will have equal rights at all times.

          Candidates for office will be able to conduct an election campaign if they choose. They may use posters, campaign buttons or other means of promoting their candidacy. Also, they may contact members via e-mail, if the member has disclosed their e-mail address on the roster.

          We must maintain checks and balances so officers will not hold more than one position or retain more than one title at any time after the initial positions are filled. We will remain committed to maintaining a democratic organization. With that in mind, when an unexpected vacancy arises within the organization leadership, it will be expected that members will be willing to help fill vacancies if asked. Our commitment to maintain a democratically run organization is only supported by the involvement of the entire membership. If the work is left to only a few members, the organization then becomes authoritarian as defined by Robert's Rules of Order. This is not the vision of Squadrons and Shipmates of the FDR/Midway, Inc.

          Our final commitment at this time will be our guarantee, as stated on the application page, that you will not have to pay any annual dues if we do not find at least two buddies in your division or squadron and they become members of the association. The exceptions to this would be if either, or both, of your buddies do not remain members of the association or if there are no living members of your squadron or division to find. We intend to work on the divisions or squadrons with the fewest number of members first.

          As we take this journey into the future and the organization evolves, we will be able to make more commitments to the membership. Future commitments will come from you. If you are not happy with the way things are done, please tell us via e-mail or the suggestion box page on this web site. Our pledge is that no one will admonish you for speaking your mind. Issues that arise will be decided by the executive board of nine members. Everyone will be heard and a decision made and no consequences should ever be imposed upon the speaker. Once a fair and impartial decision is made, it has to be accepted or anarchy will raise its ugly head.



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