Squadrons & Shipmates Inc. will have their 7th annual reunion at the Ashton Inn and Suites in Pensacola, Florida from November 8 to November 13, 2016. Once again there will be a full schedule of venues to keep everyone busy. One of the very exciting tours will be the annual "Homecoming" show of The Blue Angels. Below is a list of the tours and their descriptions.

Post Reunion Cruise

Squadrons & Shipmates Inc. will be going on their 4th post reunion cruise in November 2016.
Click on the link below to sign-up for the cruise.


All members and guests who want to attend the 2016 Reunion are requested to fill out a "Preliminary Registration Form." After you send the form into the office please call the telephone number on the form to make your hotel reservations at The Ashton Inn and Suites. This will be the lowest rate we ever paid for lodging at any of our reunions Only $85.00 per night and that includes a free complete hot breakfast.


The following link will bring you to the tour descriptions for the 2016 Reunion

Click on the below link to open your Reunion Sign-up-Sheet. This is a calculating Sign-up Sheet.


Instructions for the Reunion Sign-up Sheet

Your 2016 Reunion Sign-up Sheet is above. Please follow the instructions below. It is a calculating form in a pdf format. Please remember to indicate all your credits as a POSITIVE number.

Here are the instructions for the Calculating Reunion Sign-up Sheet.
  1. You must fill out this calculating "Reunion Sign-up Sheet" on your computer and then print a copy.
  2. Fill in your name or nickname or whatever you desire. This is how your name badge will read. Your name will be automatically carried over to page 2.
  3. Indicate your ship or squadron. If you indicate a squadron on this line we will try and capture the logo for your name badge. Otherwise, please indicate FDR or Midway. We do have members from USS Theodore Roosevelt and USS Hancock.
  4. Please indicate your division, squadron, marine detachment or department. 
  5. Years of Service should be the years you were aboard your ship or in your squadron.
  6. Spouse Name should read the way your spouse desires his or her name to read on their name badge. 
  7. Hometown can be anything you desire.
  8. If your guest is not your spouse, his or her name should be indicated here, first and last name, as they wish, for their name badge. Guests who are not members yet can also fill out a separate Reunion Sign-up Sheet. If your guests are members and have their own membership numbers they should have their own Reunion Sign-up Sheet. 
  9. Membership Number should read as it is on your ID Card. If your spouse is also a member, please indicate his or her membership number too. If you do not have, or know, your membership number then leave it blank. Please do not guess. All membership numbers will automatically be carried over to page 2.
  10. Logo-we can only put one logo on the name badge, so for those members who served on both ships or in more than one squadron, please indicate which one you want. 
  11. Registration Fees - All attendees should indicate the number of persons attending the reunion no matter what day they arrive. Even if you have already paid your preliminary-registration fees please, indicate that amount here. It will be subtracted at the bottom. 
  12. After you enter the number of persons you may hit the "TAB" key twice and the cursor will be on the next item. You can continue to hit the "TAB" or use your mouse to go to the next item.
  13. Very Important Do not put any figures after the equal = sign. The form will calculate that column for you. All that you have to indicate is the number of persons attending each venue.
  14. Decide on what venues you want to see and indicate the number of persons who want to attend. If only one person is attending any particular venue in your group, then indicate just 1. As you put the cursor on your next selection you will see the form calculating for you, continue until you enter all the amounts on your "Reunion Sign-up Sheet." Leave the line blank if you are not choosing the venue. 
  15. For the banquet line please indicate your desired meal to the RIGHT of the preferred item. The form will NOT calculate the total number of persons attending the banquet so you must enter the total amount on that line. 
  16. The SUB TOTAL line should be calculating as you enter the amounts of persons going to each venue. 
  17. If you make a mistake or change your mind about any particular venue just put your cursor on the line you want to change and hit the delete key. You can also change any number by putting the cursor on the line and hitting the correct key.
  • CONSECUTIVE REUNION DISCOUNT - If you attended the reunion in Seattle you are entitled to a consecutive reunion discount. If you did not attend the reunion in Seattle you are not entitled to take any discount on this line even if you attended all prior reunions before Seattle. ALL IN POSITIVE NUMBERS.
  • CREDIT ON THE BOOKS - We publish a list every year of all members who have credits on the books. Please indicate that amount here.
  • If your spouse or anybody else who you sponsored is attending the 2015 reunion, you may also take a $5.00 credit for each member you sponsored. They must have a membership number for you to take this credit. If you take advantage of the 5% discount for signing up early, paying your fees and send in your "Reunion Sign-up Sheet" with funds postmarked by October 31, 2015, you may manually calculate 5% of the SUB TOTAL OF ALL PAGES line and indicate that amount here. So, in essence, you could possibly have more than one credit on this line. You must total them all manually and indicate that amount. 
  • To be very clear, indicate the total of (A) all the credits you have on the books (B) the $5.00 for each member you sponsored and (C) the 5% discount for signing up early. You may itemize all your discounts anywhere on the form so we will know what you are taking. If you don't take all the credits that you are entitled to we will see that you get credit and issue you a credit voucher in your packet at the reunion. ALL IN POSITIVE NUMBERS
  • LESS PREPAID REGISTRATION FEES - here is where you indicate your prepaid registration fees; that amount must be divisible by $15.00. Prepaid Registration Fees means the amount you paid at the last reunion or funds that you sent in previously. ALL IN POSITIVE NUMBERS
  • The GRAND TOTAL line should calculate for you if you entered everything correctly. It is a good idea to recheck all the figures to be sure the form calculated correctly. This is the amount that should be sent in to the office with your Reunion Sign-up Sheet.
  • You cannot save a copy of this form with your information filled in. You can only save a Blank Copy on your computer.
  • After you have entered all your information on the form, which is still on the computer, then print it out and save a copy for your records.
  • If you end up with a negative number because you have more credit on the books than your expenses, we will issue you a credit voucher at the reunion. 
  • If you still have your credit voucher from last year and did not take it or didn't take the entire amount, please indicate that amount here and send in a copy of your voucher from last year.
        As always, if you have any questions please call the office at 859 689 7001. We are here to help you and we want to help you. We issued many credit vouchers last year because many members paid too much. Please wait until the credit list is published before you send this Reunion Sign-up Sheet in.

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