We have the potential to have a well managed association with all the service personnel waiting to be brought together. The many stories that were well written on the "Midway Sailor" web site would tug at the heart strings of any sailor or airman. We have to credit much of this new organization to Troy Prince who has tirelessly managed his web site for over nine years. We would be honored to have him join the association and when he reads this, we hope he will be moved.

        If you liked what you saw on this web site we urge you to join today. If everybody waits to see if their buddies are joining before they join we will have no members. Be a leader and your buddies will follow you as it is only human nature that we do not want to be left behind. Please don't let this opportunity float by like the driftwood you saw many times in the ocean. For all the Midway Shipmates, you have waited 15 years for a reunion association to be created for the entire ship; we hope you don't plan on waiting another 15 years for something better to come along. We are all getting up in age and this may be our last chance to really be together again. "United" means strength and the founders of our country used it when naming our nation. The choice is always yours; we all can be united again or continue to remain apart. "United We Stand" forever.


FDR 1964 FDR_CRUISE_BOOK_1964_P_1-4.pdf


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