Here is a goal for our new organization that we can envision in the early stages of our history. We all cannot sail into the horizon again on one of our nation's warships. The next best thing is to sail into brand new horizons on cruise ships but this time there will not be any catapults being launched above our heads every 30 seconds while we are sleeping. No arresting gear cables being snagged or the screeching sounds made while bringing the planes to a halt, no more General Quarters Drills and no leaving our compartments to go to the head. Also, no duty stations, no muster calls, no dangling feet above your rack to look at in the morning, no midnight watches, no chow lines for dinner, no hatch frame to step over in the passageways, no airplane tie-downs to trip over and best of all, no reveille to hear each morning. These wonderful memories would not be a part of our day if we could have enough personnel to charter an entire cruise ship. 

        We have already looked into the possibility of this dream coming true. It would naturally take the commitment of 1,000 members plus their spouses for this to happen. Even children and grandchildren could be involved and family reunions could be held held within our reunion. Here are some great advantages. Every 18th person gets a free trip which could be decided by a lottery which could also include your membership number. The theater could be used for our business meeting. Meals would all be included. Can't you smell that salt air now as you read this looking at the horizon ahead and knowing there is a new port ahead of you. All this is possible if you dare to dream.

           If you like the dream, please let the organization know by submitting the very simple form attached to the next page. If there are enough people interested we can start the process and indeed, really have our "Victory at Sea."


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