Use the Custom Order Form at lower right to place a  Favorite Sports Person Hat Band Order.


In this page you can give us information about your favorite Sports Person and Team and we'll print it on your custom hat band.

Your favorite person can be a NASCAR driver, Baseball Player, Football Player, Basketball Player, Hockey Player, Soccer Player or any other favorite sports figure.

You choose the band color, band height, sports person name and number, colors and more.

All Custom Sports Person Bands will have a small image on each side of the band that represents the specific sport.

Auto Racing: Crossed checkered flags
Baseball: A baseball in flight
Football: A football in flight
Basketball: A basketball in flight
Hockey: A hockey stick
Soccer: A soccer ball

1,000's of possibilities. 6 typical bands shown below.
Click on image to see close up view of hat band.
Click RETURN ARROW in your browser to return to this page.

 FavoritePersonBands6Bands FavSportPersonBandBradyPatriotsFavSportPersonBandRays


Read this form introduction before you begin.

guarantee_seal1When you place the curser inside any of the form boxes below, a small window will appear that explains what and how you should enter or select data. We suggest you do a trial run through the form by clicking in all boxes, and reading the information windows. You can click Clear Form to begin again.

Mandatory boxes have a red asterisk * next to the box indicating that data must be entered, or a selection must be made.

We offer several different Colored Hat Bands. When you are asked to SELECT A HAT BAND COLOR, in the Select a Hat Band Color Drop Down List, please refer to the colors in the images shown below to help you make a choice. If you select a dark color band, we suggest you use light colors for imprinting.

When you get to the HAT BAND HEIGHT drop down list, select a height that suits you. All heights are approximate and may vary up to 1/16 of an inch.
1 1/4 inch height is popular on visors and baseball caps.
1 1/2 inch height is popular on womans hats.
1 3/4 inch height is popular on mens hats.
If you want a custom size, select OTHER HEIGHT and enter your desired height in the next box below.
 100_6729 100_6731 100_6732 100_6734

When you get to the SINGLE OR DOUBLE PANEL drop down list, you can tell us what style band you want. In the images below, you can see that the YELLOW band is a Single Panel Band which allows larger text and shapes to be printed, up to 1" high. The RED band is a Double Panel Band and printing is only allowed on the top panel which can be up to 3/4" high. The yellow and red bands below are for illustrative purposes only. We will make your selected band in the color you chose above.
When you get to the SELECT A SHAPE drop down list, select a shape you want to use in your custom hat band. Refer to the shape chart below to see examples of each shape. Remember, you can customize the shapes with color.

Go to the PhotoGallery to see samples of various shapes.

If you want to use a shape that is not in our list, select OTHER and enter your shape name in the OTHER box below.

You can also describe your shape in the COMMENT box in the form. We support all Microsoft Software shapes.

If you do not want to use a shape in your hat band, select DO NOT USE A SHAPE in the drop down list. We highly recommend that you do use a shape. It creates a clean line and distinction between the hat band color and the text on your band, especially on dark color bands.


When you get to the SELECT A FONT drop down list, select a font you want to use in your custom hat band. Refer to the Font List below for examples of fonts. Font size will be adjusted to fit the panel selection you chose above. If you want us to use a specific font size other than our standard sizes, use the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS box in the form to tell us which font size to use. If you want your text Shaded, use the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS box to tell us what color shading you want.

Following are SAMPLES of text fonts you can choose from in the Select a Font Drop Down List. Please refer to this list when making your selection.

For your information, the most popular font used is Arial Black.

Alba Super                      Gill Sands Ultra Bold

Andy                            Goudy Stout

Arial                                    Lucida Handwriting

Arial Black                                           Porky’s

Broadway                      Rockwell Extra Bold

Brush Script                                             Script MT Bold

Cooper Black                                Times New Roman

Elephant                                   Wide Latin

Forte                                       OTHER FONT (Type it below)


After you complete the entire form, click the Print Button to print a copy for your records.

Click the Submit Button to send us your order. You will be transferred to a PayPal site where you can use any credit card or your PalPal account (if you have one) to pay for your item(s).



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