Library of Virginia
Confederate Pension Applications

Library of Virginia provides online material with links to original Confederate pension applications for "servants" who served with the Confederate States Army.

For official listing and information, visit the Library of Virginia and use the following search terms:

Type word or phase: servant
Field to search: Words Anywhere

There are 518 records for "Servant" Confederate pension applications listed at the Library of Virginia. Please note that there were servants of all races during the 19th Century.  The Library of Virginia's website states:  The term "Servant" includes people who worked as cooks, herdsmen, laborers, servants, or teamsters in the Confederate army.

If you have any additional information in regards to these "Servant" Confederate pension applications as it relates to persons of African descent, please send an email to info@blackconfederatesoldiers.

Black Hawk

Dr. James B. Averitt,
chaplain in the Army of Northern Virginia,
and Black Hawk

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