May 14th, 2014
"Visiting Italy is on our bucket list. We haven't made it there yet so we decided to bring a touch of Italy to Palm Springs. We found the perfect location at the estate of Dennis Walsh. It couldn't have been a more perfect evening. The air was warm, the sky clear and the moon full as guests enjoyed the sights, sounds, flavors and fragrances of the Italian countryside. The evening's crescendo was Mario Rios serenading us with beautiful Italian opera arias."

Primo antipasto
prosciutto con fichi e foglie di carciofi
Secondo antipasto
salumi freddi con olive e pane
zuppa rustica alla Toscana
pasta casariccia
Piatto principale
scaloppini di vitello e insalata
Contorni misti
fagioli e pomodori arrostiti
verdure d'estate
Frutta fresco
mele, pere, uva e clementine
torta di cannoli