February 23rd, 2015
"This Sunday brunch was so popular last year that we had to re-create it. This time though, it was a whole new menu. That's right every one of the 5 courses featured bacon!!! It was served by two delectable strips of bacon!!"
January 25th, 2015
A Sunday brunch celebrating all things citrus!!!
4 courses inspired by locally grown fruit!!!
It was a blast."
January 11th, 2015
"It's been a New Year's tradition for us to picnic at the EMPIRE POLO GROUNDS for opening day of the Polo Matches. We didn't let a little rain stop us. We started the day off right with hand-passed appetizers. Just as the sun came out from behind the clouds we offered up a gourmet buffet of meats, cheeses, crusty bread, condiments, salads and fresh fruit. This was all accompanied by fresh squeezed lemonade. It was really a magical day of good friends and great POLO.
December 10th, and 11th, 2014
"We had so much fun last Christmas that we decided to wander again. This time to all new locations. Once again we traversed across the desert in a shuttle. There were many stops along the way. It was a really fun way to celebrate the season with great friends old and new"
November 14th - Ongoing
"This is an event like none other. A true piece of avant-garde culinary "RAVE" theatre. You never know what to expect next. The menu continually changes as does the entire experience. You just have to experience it to believe it. This event is on-going so if you haven't attended, you don't know what youv'e missed. If you have attended, come back again. The experience is always new and unique"
October 24th - 31st, 2014
"This was one diabolical dinner event. From the moment guests arrived they were transported to Transylvania. It was an evening filled with frightening ghouls and fantastic food paired with more than a few frights as the evening unfolded. A culinary journey of domination, transformation, revenge and redemption played out before the guest's very eyes"
September 28th, 2014
"VEG OUT was our first ever all vegan brunch!!! We aren't vegans but we researched and tested recipes and came up with a unique and diverse menu that satisfied even the staunchest vegan attendee. Our non-vegan attendees loved the experience of trying a new way of eating as well. Yep!! The wine and bubbly we served were vegan too. The Farmer's Market loved us as we purchased most of the ingredients locally. We will definitely revisit this one soon."
September 7th, 2014
September 20th, 2014
"This was more fun than one group should have in a day. We met at an undisclosed location for a quick cocktail and then it was on to the shuttle for our fun-filled adventure to the Hollywood Bowl. That's right we were off to Sing-A-Long Sound of Music. It was just us and 17,000 others attending. We provided a PS UNDERGROUND style picnic at the BOWL. It was a real special day of great friends, fantastic food, and the exhilaration of enjoying a film at the world's largest outdoor movie theater. Join us next year for the 50th anniversary of the film."
July 27th, 2014
"We did it!!! Seven courses of everything cake!!! We started with Latke's and finished with specialty desserts from our favorite bakery "French Corner" We can assure you there were a lot of creative cakes in between. Including Rice Cakes, Crab Cakes, Beef Cakes, It was a fun way to spend a Sunday Afternoon"
July 27th, 2014
"This was just a fun brunch of some of our favorite dishes. The menu included, Chilled Gazpacho, Savory French Toast, Beef Bourguinon, and Hot Fudge Sundaes."
August 10th, 2014
June 22nd, 2014
" For the first time we let our guests who attended "EGG" choose the theme for this fun-filled brunch. Twisted recreations of the blue plate specials from the 50's and 60's. It was a truly fun brunch, topped off by the musical stylings of DJ BAZ spinning the oldies with a contemporary beat."
May 25th, 2014
"This fun-filled brunch featured all things EGG. The table was adorned with yellow feathers and rubber chickens. Guests posed with a giant ostrich egg during the welcome reception. When it was cracked open it fed the entire group. There was even a visit from our resident chicken who chastised the guests for eating her babies and then collected her brood from the tables"
May 14th, 2014
"Visiting Italy is on our bucket list. We haven't made it there yet so we decided to bring a touch of Italy to Palm Springs. We found the perfect location at the estate of Dennis Walsh. It couldn't have been a more perfect evening. The air was warm, the sky clear and the moon full as guests enjoyed the sights, sounds, flavors and fragrances of the Italian countryside. The evening's crescendo was Mario Rios serenading us with beautiful Italian opera arias."
April 27th, 2014
We both love seafood and long leisurely brunches. We combined both with SWELL. With ShareKitchen as the perfect canvas, we transported our guests to a beachside bistro where we served free-flowing bubbly, shrimp spiked Bloody Mary's and 5 courses of fresh seafood.
April 14th, 2014
"On the 102nd anniversary of the Titanic's demise we once again recreated the last dinner served to the first class passengers that fateful night. We wanted it to be even bigger and grander than last year. We searched for a location as grand as Titanic and a culinary staff who could pull off such a spectacular and detailed menu. We found just the team and location at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort in Indian Wells. WOW did they go all out!!! A big thanks to Eric Weiss, Lauren Geller and the whole crew for a truly remarkable evening.

March 16th, 2014
"This was a down home country Sunday brunch for the lovers of BACON. The guests didn't know when they made their reservation that we were going country, complete with red and white checkered tablecloths, laundry drying from clothes lines over the table and libations served in mason jars. The setting may have been simple but the multiple course menu was not."
January 27th - 30th
February 27th, 2014
We saw the performance group FLOWBOX at an event last summer and were so impressed with their talent that we knew we wanted to use them for a PS UNDERGROUND dinner. We collaborated with them and came up with KAOS. A true atypical dinner theater event.
February 16th, 2014
For our first ever Sunday Brunch, we were inspired by the abundance of citrus growing in our back yard. We did a multi-course brunch featuring citrus in every course. We ended the brunch with some flavor tripping by way of the miracle berry.
January 5th, 2014
"It's been a New Year's tradition for us to picnic at the EMPIRE POLO GROUNDS for opening day of the Polo Matches. This year we went all out. We provided a picnic fit for a king with no less than 11 different bites and courses. The weather was perfect and the company was unsurpassed."
December 18th and 19th, 2013
"We love Christmas and we wanted to let the holiday spirit shine. We planned a festive romp across the desert in a shuttle. There were many stops along the way. It was a really fun way to celebrate the season with great friends old and new"

November 19th, 20th and 21st, 2013
"When we found out that the desert had a new craft brewery we rushed over to check it out. Coachella Valley Brewing Company just seemed the perfect place to hold a dinner. Their commitment to quality and local ingredients is impressive. We worked closely to pair each course with a different craft beer and set up the table right in between the brew tanks. Thanks Jamie and Chris from CVBCO. We had an awesome time."

Click here for more photos and the menu for CRAFT
Embrace the Dark
October 29th, 30th and Halloween Night, 2013
"Halloween is one of our favorite times of the year. We wanted to really do something unique and different for this festive holiday. We decided to transport our guests to Transylvania for an evening of gothic splendor. When the doors opened to the dining room, a mist filled the air as guests were seated at a table that was adorned by Dracula's latest conquest."

Click here for more photos and the menu for BITE
October 2nd and 3rd, 2013
"We wanted to create a true night on the town. An evening where no one had to worry about anything except what to wear. We picked up everyone from their homes by limousine and took them to a secret, undisclosed location, where a local celebrity chef prepared a spectacular dinner for them. We can now reveal that the chef was Herve' Glin and the location was Mr. Parker's at the Parker Palm Springs. It was a true magical evening"

Click here for more photos and the menu for OVATION
"A Nod to Mod"
September 4th and 5th, 2013
"As an homage to Palm Springs' past, we brought the mod era in a big way. We decided to transport our guests back to the 1960's for an authentic dinner party. We met our guests at "THE RIVIERA" for a bit of bubbly, and then shuttled them to a classic "RACQUET CLUB ESTATES" house built in 1961 for dinner. We had a blast!!!

Click here for more photos and the menu for A NOD TO MOD
July 12th and 13th / August 2nd and 3rd, 2013
When we saw Taylor's studio we knew we had to use the space. How do you take a cold white room and transform it into an intimate dining space? We chose to base the dinner around the colors of the spectrum and change the environment with each course.

Click here for more photos and the menu for SPECTRUM
"Dinner in the Gardens"
Thursday, May 16th, 2013
"We really wanted to do an awesome dinner outside before the summer set in. We met Clark from Moorten Botanical Garden and knew immediately we wanted the dinner there. It was a magical evening"

Click here for more photos and the menu for the GARDEN PARTY
"Last Dinner on the Titanic"
Sunday, April 14th, 2013
"On the evening of the 101st anniversary of the sinking of the
Titanic we recreated the dinner served to the
1st class passengers that fateful night"
"To our surprise, guests arrived dressed in their "Turn of the Century" finest"

Click here for more photos and the menu for
"Not Your Mama's Meatloaf"
March 10th, 2013
"We decided to take those classic dishes that you remember
from your childhood and put our own crazy contemporary spin on them.
We didn't serve meatloaf but we did
recreate some of the most memorable
dishes mama used to make."

Click here for more photos and the menu for
"A Taste of Autumn"
Sunday, November 18th, 2012
"For our first dinner we rented a 60's artist bungalow. Appetizers were
served around an outside fire pit surrounded by cool and unique artist's sculptures.
Dinner was served at a long table placed just next to the indoor Jacuzzi.
It was a blend of elegance and kitsch!!".

Photos courtesy of BRUCE FEAGLE www.brucefeagle.com
Click here for more photos and the menu for